
This section allows you to administrate your log files. Simply select the server you are interested in, and choose the select option to enter the log administration section. This section enables you to control the execution of both the server and the administration server.

(Re)Start server

Selecting this option will cause your Zeus Server to begin running. If there is a server already running it will be restarted, using any new configuration settings that have been defined.

If the restart is successful, then a list links to the virtual servers are displayed.

Stop server

This will shutdown Zeus Server, and all the virtual servers it is running.

Restart adminserver

Restarting the administration server is only required if you have altered some of the administration server settings, such as the port it is running on. Selecting this option will cause the administration server to be restarted

If the browser you are using supports client-pull, you will be redirected to the front-page or the newly running administration server in about 10 seconds - this gives time for the administration server to start up. Otherwise, select the displayed link to return to the front-page.

Note that in order to use this option, you must have selected a non-zero port number for the administration to run on in the admin server configuration section. The reason behind this is that a port number of 0 means that the operating system selects an arbitary port for the server to run on when restarted. This would mean that the administration server would not know ahead of time which port it would be restarted on, and could of course not generate a HTML page to take you to the new server!

Stop adminserver

This will shutdown the administration server. This will not shutdown any of the servers, just the administration server.
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